Flash Fiction: Briefing

This is the fourth part of this story!

Read the prequels here:

Part 1- Twittering Tales: Statues

Part 2- Flash Fiction: Nice Neighborhood

Part 3- Twittering Tale: Raindrops

Agent Keynes and Cadet Billy waited at the abandoned shed.

They looked at the man approaching them. The ghostly figure clad entirely in black walked slowly, his tailcoat fluttering in the wind.

“Sir, is this really the legendary Special Agent Perseus?”

Agent Keynes nodded.

“Don’t go on his looks Billy.”

Perseus stopped in front of Keynes.

“Keynes. I believe you have the gear.”

Keynes motioned to Billy, who removed the silver pistol hidden below the wood. He could barely hold it. Perseus snatched it with relative ease, eyed it expressionlessly, and holstered it.

“Time to take down Medusa, again.”

(Find the sequel here – Flash Fiction: The Hunt Begins)

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 3rd August 2018

FOWC with Fandango “Expression”

Manic Mondays 3 Way Prompt 30/07/2018


PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook



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