Flash Fiction: Comet

“Whoa! What is that?”

Ethan had taken his little sister for camping. He looked at his little sister pointing up at the astronomical expanse. He could see what she was referring to.

“That is a comet.”

“A comet? What are those?”

Ethan adored his little sister. However, the way she asked so many questions about everything annoyed him to no end. He decided to have some fun.

“A comet is an alien flying so fast, that its ass starts burning, and it leaves a trail.”

“So cool!! We spotted an alien.”


*Many miles above*

“How did the earthling know?”

Word Count: 99


Carrot Ranch August 16 Flash Fiction Challenge

SocS August 18/18


Image Credit: “The Comet”  artwork by Edward Hagedorn


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