Microfiction: Flowers at Grave

The little girl placed the flowers at the grave.

She held her mother’s hand and sobbed.

“Why did papa have to go? He was going to teach me cycling this week.”

Her mom consoled her.

“Don’t cry little one. God called him because he needed him. So, papa had to go.”

The little girl looked up at the cloudy sky.

“I wish God would send him back. I need him more than God.”

Mother held the girl close and began walking back to the car.

“We both do, child.”

As they left, the flowers placed by the little girl were not the only ones at the grave.

Fresh flowers began growing out of the soil…

Word Count: 115


TellTale Thursday 28th March 2019
#TellTaleThursday with Anshu & Priya


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