Flash Fiction: Equally Nice

I walked around the shop.

With every step I took, I was met with a pair of adorable eyes. There were more beauties in the pet-shop than I could buy. I walked up to an Alsatian. It looked majestic just like its price tag. I shook my head and turned to the shop attendant. I told him my budget. He nodded understandingly. He showed me a white Pomeranian, not as good-looking as the Alsatian, but it would have to do. Beggars can’t be choosers, after all.

Besides, I bet both of them would taste equally nice in a stew…

Word Count: 99


Carrot Ranch April 11 Flash Fiction Challenge


  1. Dark, but I’m inappropriately grinning! I have stood at the butcher shop, eying those t-bones, but going for the cheap beef cuts because it is true — it tastes the same in stew. Universal, but a dark twist!

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