Flash Fiction: Brave and Free

I look at our flag fluttering in the wind.

We’re the Home of the brave and land of the free, they say. Sadly, I’m neither of the two. My husband is a pile of trash, and the trash smells better. I despise him and his ways with me. However, I am bound in matrimony to him, as decided by our families. Five years ago, I wasn’t brave enough to say no and nor am I brave enough to do it now. However, what if bravery can win me my freedom?

I grip the kitchen-knife tighter as I hear him enter…

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 5th July 2019

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll


  1. To do as others want of you is, of course, the easy option. Even when fenced around with words like respect, honour, obligation. And it takes a huge dose of bravery to break out, a dose that might be drained from you for the rest of your life.

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  2. She must be suffering terrible physical mistreatment to resort to this way of fighting back. Whether she survives or not depends on the country she’s in and/or the element of surprise. A good and well-written story, DN. —- Suzanne

    Liked by 2 people

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