Flash Fiction: Museum Visit

It was a slow sunday, just the way I like it.

It started off with a bright, boozy brunch. The food was as good as if not better than the merry conversations at the table. My head still floating with a mild buzz, I decided to visit the museum. It always transported me to the past. I walked through all the exhibits, taking my time to read all the descriptions. The solid, factual language used, was a nice change from the flowery words I was used to at work. After spending a couple of hours at all the exhibits, I made my way to the technology wing. This was my favourite section. As I observed the handheld devices, I remembered the smartphone era from my childhood. We still had to touch the screen. Today, my brain-link glasses do it all for me.

I only have to think…

Word Count: 147


Weekend Writing Prompt #122 – Museum

Sunday Photo Fiction – Sep 8 2019
Photo courtesy of LL Jones


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