Flash Fiction: The Mirror

Dressing up had taken some time, but it was finally done. It was time for a quick rehearsal.

I walked up to the mirror. I definitely looked the part, with the deerstalker and pipe. The squeaky clean, new mirror, showed my reflection clearly. It was worth the 0.75 pounds I had paid for it. I twisted and turned, checking myself out from all the angles, and I must say I had a done a damn good job. I was definitely going to do well on my audition. However, my look alone was not going to win me the part. I needed to be ace at my acting as well. In my mentor’s words, I needed to feel my role and become my character. I coughed and rehearsed my line in my best British accent.

Elementary my dear Watson.”

“You know he never said that, right?”

Came a voice from the mirror.

Word Count: 150


Fractured Faith Flash Fiction Challenge โ€“ The Mirror


Weekend Writing Prompt “Elementary”


Image Credit:ย Leon Gordon Elegant Man in Mirror painting


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