Flash Fiction: House Party

Cass was a nightmare in white silk and pearls. However, her appearance was a beautiful dream in comparison to house we had arrived at.

Exiting the car, I stood gazing at the house in disbelief. There was not way any one would host a Halloween party in this ramshackle cottage. It seemed abandoned, looking more like a terrorist hideout than a party pad. Cass gasped.

“Isn’t this location just too adorable?”

I sighed. Cass loved horror. I on the other hand, hated it.

“I think we have got the wrong location. Or this was some sort of prank. Let’s go back to town?”

Cass began walking towards the house.

“Nope. The address is right. Might as well check it out.”

I trudged behind her, adjusting my mask. As we reached the front door, I could hear music and jovial chatter coming from inside. Cass rung the bell. A tall, pale person dressed up in knight’s armour opened the door.

“Welcome to the party. I am your host, the headless horseman.”

He proceeded to completely dislodge his head from his neck, as one might doff a hat. I looked at Cass, who stared back at me with wide eyes….

Word Count: 198



First Line Friday: October 26th, 2018

FOWC with Fandango — Adorable


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