
Flash Fiction: Stay Out

Find the prequels here:

Part 1- Twittering Tale: Campfire

Part 2- Flash Fiction: Boots

Now the story continues…

The kids stared at the woods.

Gary placed an arm on Roger’s shoulder.

“You know we are not supposed to go there right?”

Roger shrugged.

“Yeah, I know. But that’s my favourite football that Kye kicked into the woods. I am going to get it back, and Kye is coming with me.”

Roger looked at the whimpering Kye. The smaller boy was clearly more afraid of Roger than he was of the forest. Gary crossed his arms.

“No! I don’t want to go there and find out what the adults were so scared about.”

Roger snorted.

“Ha! I hope we find what scared them. Any way, move out of the way, Gary.”

Gary was no match for Roger’s strength. He gave in and stepped aside. Roger walked passed triumphantly, dragging Kye along. Gary sighed. He could not go home alone, anyway.

He followed his friends into the woods…

(Read the sequel here- Part 4- Flash Fiction: Into The Woods)

Word Count: 148


FFfAW Challenge – 200th

Twittering Tale: Parrot

Parrots can be trained well, this I knew.

My parrot though, was a genius. It learned to mimic the human voice in no time at all. Soon, it had learned to ask for crackers. It did not take long for it to start taking all the crackers for itself.

I guess it mimicked human greed too..

Character Count: 280

Prompt: Twittering Tales #117

Flash Fiction: Christmas Gift

Little Tia’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree.

She smiled gleefully as she pointed to the open trunk of pattices that lay below the christmas tree. Her mother stared in shock at the trunk full of food. Little Tia’s smile vanished as she witnessed her mother’s face go from white to a shade or red, quite resembling the colour of the hung stockings. Tia did not expect the slap that landed on her face. Mother began screaming at her.

“You fool. If you wanted pattices, I would have made them for you. Why did you wish for them?”

Tia replied in a sobbing broken voice.

“They are not for me. They are for the poor hungry kids that live on the street.”

Her reply was met with another slap on her face.

“You wasted your precious wish on them? What a foolish daughter I have….”

Word Count: 146


FFfAW Challenge – 197th


Here are the fantastic entries from  last week’s challenge themed ‘Jelly‘:

Green – I Write Her

jelly telly belly – Ruth Scribbles

Lunch Time – Anneberly Andrews

Just Business – JP the Wide-eyed Wanderer


Loved reading these entries! 😀 🙂

This week, in the spirit of Christmas, I have chosen the theme as…



Should you choose to accept the challenge, do leave the link to your response in the comments below.

To know all the details about this challenge follow the link below:

The Wacky Weekend Challenge Rules

Kindly respond to this challenge by the end of 31st December, 2018…

Happy reading, and happy writing! 🙂

Merry Christmas! 😀 🙂

Three Line Tale: Amusement Park

Every year, on the night before Christmas, the amusement park would come alive in all its splendor – the fun rides, the bright lights and the festive music would all resume.

The chortling of the kids as they sat on the merry-go-round, the whees from the ferris wheel, and the general excited banter of children would liven up an otherwise silent night.

The amusement park would become a striking image of itself, reliving its memories of the time of the night before Christmas those many years ago, the night of the great fire which burned down the park…

Word Count: 98


Three Line Tales, Week 151

Twittering Tale: Hole

I looked through the hole.

My brother and I had watched a mummy movie, and he suggested we enact it. We made a cardboard coffin. I became the mummy. We only had enough bandage to cover up till my mouth.

I could only watch as he left me inside the coffin and went outside to play…

Character Count: 280