Three Line Tale: Books

I look at the neatly stacked books, each one an exquisite creation, resting in one of the underground black market booths.

The salesman eyes me suspiciously, until I pick a book up written by a visionary author, and swipe my card, purchasing the rare item for a small fortune.

Now, within my walls, this illegal copy of Fahrenheit 451 will stay safe, away from the Government which long decreed the seizure of all books…


Three Line Tales Week 162

Tale #213 – Wall

Flash Fiction: Castles

There it crumbles, again.

It took me months to build it. Many months of planning, all wasted. This was supposed to be my magnum opus. It would have been my legacy. I dedicated so much of my prescious time and efforts into it. It took those cruel people only a matter of hours to bring it down.

What’s done is done. Now it’s time I rebuild it. That is the best part about them, they can be built again.

My grand castles in the air…

Word Count: 85


Tale Weaver #209