
Flash Fiction: Treasures

Beth and Ben stared at the mess lying on grandpa’s bed.

They took one last look inside the wardrobe they had freshly emptied. Dejected, they ran down the stairs to their grandfather. Puffing their cheeks the little twins stood between grandpa and the television.
“Grandpa is a liar,” the two declared in unison.
Grandpa adjusted his spectacles.
“When did I lie?”
The kids led him up to his bedroom. They pointed to the empty wardrobe.
“You said grandma kept her treasures here before going to heaven.”
Grandpa smiled looking at the mess on his bed.

“I never lied. They’re here.”

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 25th Oct 2019

Flash Fiction: My Meanstalk

Kids are supposed to be naughty.

They hardly have any ill intent behind their actions. I’m not such a kid. I mean every cuss word I throw. I don’t hide behind my cute smile, I proudly flash my evil grin. This time, my family will feel my anger. They actually thought they could ground me. Well, they were wrong. This plant I ordered online will help me. It has only been three hours since I planted its seed and it has already spread so much. My plant will soon cover the entire house. Grow, my meanstalk, spread all over.


Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 6th Sep, 2019

Flash Fiction: Childhood Revisited

Alcohol makes humans do weird things.

I guess, after a point, we just want to feel young again. Alcohol helps with that. A few pegs down, my neighbours begin to think that they are young men and women. Once the booze really begins to flow, they begin revisiting their childhood. They are at it right now. I can see them holding on to each other and I can hear them making choo choo sounds – a human train. There goes the train, picking up speed. Okay, I think I need to be out there.

These old trains tend to derail faster…

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 30th August, 2019

Flash Fiction: No Tresspassing

This wasn’t a place I wanted to be in.

The writing on the wall was literal and figurative – No Tresspassing. Everyone in town knew that these folks meant it. No one dared venture into territory controlled by the Videlli Family. They were unsavory characters and had dealings in all things illegal. However, here I was, looking for my Dalmation, Onyx. He had wandered off into these streets, chasing some stray. After sneaking around for fifteen minutes, I found Onyx snuggling with that stray. Only, that stray was wearing a tag that read Videlli.

It figured. Onyx was into bad girls…

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers, 9th August 2019

Flash Fiction: Seaplane

It was their first time in a seaplane.

The Theeves excitedly looked out of the windows as they sped along the coastline. They ooohed and aaahed at the natural beauty of the views. It was turning out to be their best trip and getting the seaplane now looked like a brilliant idea. As they landed, Mr. Theeve turned to his wife.
“Well, wasn’t that fun?”
She smiled and nodded.
“Yes, darling. It was the best.”
Mr. Theeve kissed his wife.
“Now, we need to get rid of this plane, before they track us down and jail us for stealing it…”

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 2nd August 2019

Flash Fiction: What The World Has Come To

“Hey there, mate.”

The old guard turned around to see a bunch of teenagers step out of their flashy cars. They were dressed up opulently and reeked of booze.

“How can I help you, sir?”

“Is the washroom here?”

“No, sir. It is further ahead. This is the art exhibition.”

“Well, the art looked like shit, so we thought it was the loo.”

The teenagers guffawed and sped away.

The old guard lit a cigarette and turned towards the main exhibit.

“That’s right. Cover your face so that you don’t have to see what the world has come to.”

Word Count: 99


Friday Fictioneers 19th July 2019

Flash Fiction: Future Art

This was boring.

I should have expected this when I signed up for the ‘Art of the Future’ fair. However, my then alcohol fuelled brain had failed to consider how boring the endeavour could be. The art structure in front of me was titled ‘Fuel of the Future’. The artist was proudly presenting it as his vision of a post ten year future: Flying cars which recharged with giant plugs. I shrugged as I clicked my chronometer and travelled twenty years into the future, where I hailed from.

I tsked as I saw the streets still crowded by cars…

Word Count: 99


Friday Fictioneers 12th July 2019

Flash Fiction: Brave and Free

I look at our flag fluttering in the wind.

We’re the Home of the brave and land of the free, they say. Sadly, I’m neither of the two. My husband is a pile of trash, and the trash smells better. I despise him and his ways with me. However, I am bound in matrimony to him, as decided by our families. Five years ago, I wasn’t brave enough to say no and nor am I brave enough to do it now. However, what if bravery can win me my freedom?

I grip the kitchen-knife tighter as I hear him enter…

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 5th July 2019

PHOTO PROMPT © J Hardy Carroll

Flash Fiction: Cinema

It was opening night of the new cinema in town.

It advertised a new dimension which made the movie seem all the more real to viewers. It was still an experimental tech and in a sense, us first viewers were guinea pigs.
I was rather excited about the experience. The movie was a standard slasher flick, but the new effects lived up to all the advertising. The slashes, screams and spurts of blood seemed so real. I only realized at the end of the movie, that they were indeed real.

The bloody bodies in the front row served as proof…

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 28 June 2019

Flash Fiction: Look Before You Speak

It was a tiresome wait.

My meetings had been draining and all I wanted was to get back home. However, my FreeFly Airlines flight was two hours late. As I sat at my gate, a posh gentleman came and sat next to me. He greeted me and spoke in a polished accent.
“Flying FreeFly eh?”
I nodded.
“Bad choice. See, they are never on time. I’m flying AirSuperior. They really are superior. Better seats, crew, planes, better timing…”
Right then there was a news flash on the TV:

AirSuperior flight explodes midair.

The gentleman got up and walked away wordlessly…

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 21 June 2019
PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields