Flash Fiction: Target Sighted

This is the Sixth part of this story!

Read the prequels here:

Part 1- Twittering Tales: Statues

Part 2- Flash Fiction: Nice Neighborhood

Part 3- Twittering Tale: Raindrops

Part 4- Flash Fiction: Briefing

Part 5- Flash Fiction: The Hunt Begins

As the trio reached the edge of the forest, they looked upon the neighborhood from their vantage point.

Medusa’s chaotic art was on display. Dozens of statues decorated the silent town-centre. The neighborhood had been stripped of all its pace, and brought to a complete stand still. Billy gasped.

“She is such a monster.”

Perseus snorted.

“We made that monster. Her appearance, her powers were all our doing. (Read more about this in Flash Fiction: Transform) She was the first of the Demigod Programme.”

Keynes interjected.

“As I recall, she volunteered…”

Perseus interrupted, pointing in the neighborhood’s direction.

“Target sighted.”

(Find the sequel here: Flash Fiction: Disturbance)


50 Word Thursday #12

SoCS August 4, 2018

FOWC with Fandango “Pace”



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