FTS Project #4: Emperor’s Knights

The Emperor had summoned his Knights..and they had answered his summons. They knew that it was a matter of great importance. They waited patiently as their Emperor began to address them..

“Brave Knights, I have need of your skills yet again.”

The Knights traded glances. Their Emperor, the Great King had summoned them after a year. It had been a year of peace for the kingdom. The Knights had whiled away their time in wining, dining and other forms of entertainment. However, their warrior souls craved action, a chance to show off their power and might yet another time. Each knight present was excited at the prospect of a new battle. They spoke in unison.

“We are your eternal servants, Emperor. Command us. What is our mission?”

The king smiled weakly.

“The matter is urgent. The Queen has lost her favorite pearl necklace and nobody can find it. Your quest requires you to find it with haste.”

The Knights lookedΒ  at each other in disbelief, and shrugged their shoulders.

Such were the perils of peace…

Word Count: 175


The Emperor had summoned his Knights..and they had answered his summons. They knew that it was a matter of great importance. They waited patiently as their Emperor began to address them..

by The Dark Netizen

Daily Writing Challenge, Nov 14


This is the fourth flash fiction story in the Finish The Story Project (FTS Project)

You can find out more about the projectΒ here

Happy reading! πŸ™‚


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