Three Line Tale: Snake Show

Come one, come all to my snake show, and yes it is absolutely safe and free.

I need a volunteer and you will do perfectly ma’am, see how my snake shows affection by hugging you.

So, that’s fifty dollars, not for the show, that is free, but the fee is only so that my slithering friend here loosens his grip…


Three Line Tales, Week 188

Photo by Prescott Horn via Unsplash

Three Line Tale: First Step On The Moon

The moon landing now complete, man had taken his first official steps on the moon.

The astronaut team looked back on the footprints they had left on the lunar surface.

Then they looked ahead to find the the footprints already there – not very human prints…


Three Line Tales, Week 181

Three Line Tale: The Castle

The castle still stands, as it did a thousand years ago.

It has seen all the faces of war, and the evolution of human weapons from swords and bows to tanks and guns.

Yet, it chose never to intervene with its armies, remaining hidden from the greedy eyes of humans; which is why it still remains standing…


Three Line Tales, Week 179

Three Line Tale: Standstill

Monday mornings are already the worst, and when you get stuck in the traffic on your way to work, the rage goes one step beyond.

The traffic was at a standstill and I like all the other irate, curious commuters, put my head outside the window and deciphered the source : The lady in yellow.

Gorgeous enough from head to toe, the actress had brought cars to a standstill, not for any shoot or event, but only for her vanity walk; Curses!!!


Three Line Tales, Week 177

Three Line Tale: Target Practice

Control your breathing and calm your nerves, lads, just like we practiced.

Hold the bow firmly and keep your aim steady, and release when you feel you are ready to hit the target.

Don’t let those eyes begging you to miss, distract you from your goal of executing traitors, and put an arrow right between those eyes…


Three Line Tales, Week 176
photo by Alex Guillaume via Unsplash

Three Line Tale: Legendary Port

This is the legendary port town of Salty Sea, where the legend of the great kraken was born.

Our sailors were the ones who went out to see, encountered the kraken and took it down, opening the sea up for trade and bringing great prosperity to our little town.

What we did not know, was that the Kraken had children, and after all these years, the now-adult children are coming for us; vengeance in mind…


Three Line Tales, Week 171

Three Line Tale: Cake Cutting

It was the Golden Jubilee celebration of the formation of their group.

Many members had not made it to this day, but those who were here, watched their leader intently as she cut the cake with finesse.

None of them had forgotten the feel of a knife in their hand, and the pleasure or cutting cleanly through objects…


Three Line Tales, Week 170