
Microfiction: Ritual

The head priest smiled as the followers began the ritual.

They held hands and danced in a circle. As they continued, they saw a ball of light forming in the centre of their circle. One of the followers joyously looked at the priest.

“Is it really happening? Is the Goddess really going to appear because of our love and devotion?”

The priest laughed.

“No, son. She will appear only because of your souls.”

Within seconds, the group of followers collapsed to the ground, as lifeless corpses.

The Goddess now appeared to begin her soulful feast….

Word Count: 95



Twittering Tale: Downpour

The rain is pouring down hard.

I do usually love the rain. However, today it has completely ruined my plans. It was all going well until now. The takeoff has been delayed. How will my plan be executed now?

I just can’t hijack a grounded flight…

Character Count: 245


Twittering Tales #131 – 9 April 2019

Photo by Adhitya Andanu at Pexels.com

Microfiction: Long Drive

She was a real eye candy.

I met her at the club. After a few drinks and dancing, I sweet-talked her into going on a long drive. We sat in my trashy car. I was surprised that she didn’t find it amusing. She said it added to my mysterious persona. I drove towards the outskirts of town and into the forest and parked the car. Like every other girl I brought here, I asked her to wait as I fetched booze from the trunk, where I hid my knives.

I almost fainted when I returned to find the passenger-seat empty…

Word Count: 100


The Aether Prompt: April 3rd, 2019

Flash Fiction: Thorny Tree

It had been a week since I had slept well.

My hair had been keeping me up. It itched so much. I had used the best hair products, but to no avail. I asked my mother if I should visit a doctor, but she had refused, stating that such things happen when puberty hits.

That night, it was a lot worse. My hair felt as if it were ablaze. I stepped outside to get some fresh air, and that’s when it happened all of a sudden.

Thorny branches began growing from my hair, eventually falling off and becoming a tree….

Word Count: 100


Friday Fictioneers 5th April 2019
PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio

Microfiction: View

He had climbed the mountain.

It was a view he did not want to miss. He put on his sunglasses and got ready to witness the spectacle. It was most beautiful. The heavenly body emitted an orange glow, which painted his surroundings in its colour as it got closer. He was glad he made the effort to climb up high, since he could not have witnessed this from home. The celestial activity had taken down all communication satellites and devices.

The naked eye was the only way to see it, the end of the world…

Word Count: 95


The Aether Prompt: March 27th, 2019

Flash Fiction: Loom

Look at the power loom.

See how all these different threads are connected to the loom. They revolve around it just like the lives of so many people. The workers, the owner, the buyers, the gangs, the soldiers and even the king, are all like the threads that are interwoven by the loom. Even if one thread proves to be of an inferior quality and breaks, the loom will stop functioning.

But, maybe this society as it functions is already broken. Maybe it needs a new direction. This loom has power over our society.
Breaking it, will destroy the society…

Word Count: 100

Prompt: Friday Fictioneers 29th March 2019
PHOTO PROMPT© Sandra Crook

Microfiction: Our Hero

You are our hero, little kid.

We need you to save us. It is the only way. I know that you are scared, but you need to be brave for all of us. You are the only one we can trust to stand your ground when the monster comes. You will sit tight in your cage as it approaches you. And then when it shows itself, we get to finish it off with our magic.

You will be our greatest hero, by becoming a sacrifice.

Word Count: 85


Kira’s Sunday Scribbles 24th March 2019