Flash Fiction: Into The Woods

Find the prequels here:

Part 1- Twittering Tale: Campfire

Part 2- Flash Fiction: Boots

Part 3- Flash Fiction: Stay Out

Now the story continues…

The three kids stepped into the woods in the fading sunlight.

Roger lead the way, followed by Kye and Gary. The trio were on a quest to retrieve their ball. The fading umbrage of the trees worried Gary. The sun was setting, and he knew that navigating the intricate forest paths in the dark, was going to be a task. It would be difficult even with the mini flash light he was carrying. As they went deeper, a fog began settling around the trees. It remained static, refusing to clear away. The three kids bravely held their nerves. Until they heard sounds coming from the fog.

They resembled the sound made by cheese graters…

(Find the next part here – Flash Fiction: Into The Woods 2)

Word Count: 135


Crimson’s Creative Challenge #10

FOWC with Fandango — Umbrage

Word of the Day Challenge – Intricate

RDP Wednesday – QUEST

Three Things Challenge 2019 #16


  1. Very intriguing read! Leaves the audience eager for more… 🙂
    I was thinking of raising awareness of bloggers who write good short stories/poems, so might you recommend any upcoming flash-fiction writers/poets who you’ve enjoyed & could do with a larger audience?


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