
Flash Fiction: Camp Bear Claw

Camp Bear Claw still stands.

I remember back in the day, when the camp used to be filled with kids. Every summer, they would come, boisterous and jovial as ever and make my camp their home for three weeks. Oh, it was such fun. We would have treks and games through the day, and at night we would all sit at the campfire. Sometimes, the kids would sit at the benches, listening to and singing retro songs.

Nowadays, the camp’s run into a pickle. It is empty, no one visits. Jinxed as it may be, but the camp still stands…

Word Count: 100


Sunday Photo Fiction March 31 2019

Word of the Day Challenge – Jinx

RDP Sunday – Pickle

FOWC with Fandango — Retro

Photo Credit: Susan Spaulding

Microfiction: Evening Walk

Walks by the dusky seashore are lifesavers.

No matter how useless my life seems, my walk is efficacious in raising my spirits. I am not abashed in admitting how weak I feel throughout the day.  I am only this far from putting a bullet in my head and disappearing into the seas, like the sun.

Not just yet though…


Weekend Writing Prompt #96 – Seashore

#BlogBattle: Dusk

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS March 9/19


RDP Saturday: WALK


Image Source – https://fineartamerica.com/featured/seashore-sunset-lahinch-county-clare-the-irish-image-collection


Flash Fiction: Clouds

The little boy would spend his day gazing up at the sky.

The villagers speculated that the boy was not right in his mind. They asked the other children to stay away from this child who seemingly suffered from poor mental health. However, the little boy did not mind being alone. He would hunt for food, bathe under the waterfall, and sleep on trees. He did not need anybody.

He had the clouds, who gave him company every single day…

Word Count: 80


Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #3

FOWC with Fandango – Health

RDP Monday – Speculate

Flash Fiction: Paper Boat

My little nephew Sage, was a bundle of fun.

Like most little kids, he was always on the lookout for new ways to have fun. A couple of days ago, I made him a paper boat, and his eyes widened as if it was the most wondrous thing he had seen. Today, he asked me for another paper boat. I promptly complied. He thanked me with a kiss on my cheek and rushed out with his friends. I could hear them going into the backyard screaming Red Sea at the top of their voices. My interest piqued, I got up and jogged behind the kids, asking them what they meant by Red Sea. They led me towards a small red puddle, on which my paper boat was floating. I realized instantly that it was a puddle of blood.

The smiles on the kids faces told me they knew that too…

Word Count: 150


Sunday Photo Fiction – February 10, 2019

Word of the Day Challenge: Blood

FOWC with Fandango — Pique

RDP- Sunday– SAGE

Flash Fiction: Into The Woods

Find the prequels here:

Part 1- Twittering Tale: Campfire

Part 2- Flash Fiction: Boots

Part 3- Flash Fiction: Stay Out

Now the story continues…

The three kids stepped into the woods in the fading sunlight.

Roger lead the way, followed by Kye and Gary. The trio were on a quest to retrieve their ball. The fading umbrage of the trees worried Gary. The sun was setting, and he knew that navigating the intricate forest paths in the dark, was going to be a task. It would be difficult even with the mini flash light he was carrying. As they went deeper, a fog began settling around the trees. It remained static, refusing to clear away. The three kids bravely held their nerves. Until they heard sounds coming from the fog.

They resembled the sound made by cheese graters…

(Find the next part here – Flash Fiction: Into The Woods 2)

Word Count: 135


Crimson’s Creative Challenge #10

FOWC with Fandango — Umbrage

Word of the Day Challenge – Intricate

RDP Wednesday – QUEST

Three Things Challenge 2019 #16

Flash Fiction: Treasure Hunter

Our quest had brought us to Logs Town.

The inane promise of exquisite, undiscovered treasures brought many hunters to this town. Nobody had managed to find the location of the legendary mine. Without even a silhouette of a map available, it was a foolhardy quest for most people. We were not most people. The heavy snowfall had been timely.

It eradicated all chances of intrusion…

(Find the sequel here- Flash Fiction: Ducks)

Word Count: 65


Weekend Writing Prompt #89 – Silhouette


FOWC with Fandango — Inane


#JusJoJan 2019 Daily Prompt – Jan. 13th

Word of the Day Challenge Exquisite

Flash Fiction: The Undertakers

Our orders were simple: Hunt and Eliminate…

War is in the basic nature of man, and Governments have gone to great lengths to gain the upper hand in wars. Some turned to science, while others turned to things not explained by science – The occult. Dark creatures were summoned only to bring about destruction. However, nobody thought about how to send back these creatures once the wars were over, and a time of peace settled in. That’s where The Undertakers came in. We were tasked with monitoring these hell-spawn and taking action when required. Now, the time to take action had come.

The dark creatures had been placed in isolated locations, and for many years they had remained docile. However, a couple of days ago, the monsters at Location Pandora came out from their coma. They broke through the barriers, and attacked the neighboring city, ravaging everything in their path.

The Undertakers were vigorous in their attempt to eliminate all the rampaging hell-spawn. However, it proved to be more difficult than expected. The monsters were somehow quite prepared for our assault, and it did not take long for the situation to spin out of control.

The Commanding Officer was taken out while ranting out orders to the squads. The monsters came from underground, latched on to the CO with their razor sharp teeth, and ripped him apart limb from limb. Our bullets were being rendered useless by the thick skin of the colossal ones. We might as well have used bows and arrows. Our only option was to take a page out of the survival guide and retreat. The sudden surge in the intelligence of these creatures had made that option quite difficult as well. Now, it was every squad for itself.

Our assault had turned into a fight for survival….

Word Count: 300


Mercurial Stories Prompt 36: Oh The Horror

Weekly Writing Challenge #169

FOWC with Fandango – Coma

Word of the Day Challenge – Docile


Flash Fiction: Flatter

Psst..if you enjoy flash fiction, check out The Wacky Weekend Challenge.

It’ll be fun! 🙂

Now, on to this story…

“May I recommend this one?”

I looked at the delicate bottle being shown by the salesgirl. It certainly looked pretty, but would it be good enough for me? I looked nonchalantly at the salesgirl.

“Butterfly, I presume. Do you think I can carry it off?”

She smiled at me.

“Of course, ma’am. You can carry anything off. However, this one will go well with your personality.”

I thought that was a neat trick to play – flattery.

“Can you say that with conviction? That this is perfect for me.”

She nodded.

“Definitely ma’am.”

I handed her the bottle.

“Pack it up, then.”

I looked back at my attendant, trembling under the weight of my shopping bags and shook my head.

Flattery was definitely my Achilles’ heel…

Word Count: 125


Photo Challenge #239

Word of the Day Challenge “Conviction”

RDP Wednesday “Recommend”

FOWC with Fandango “Carry”

Flash Fiction: Relax

Psst..if you enjoy flash fiction, do check out The Wacky Weekend Challenge

Now, on to the story…

I entered my hotel room, locked the door behind me and collapsed into the chair.

I looked around the room. It was in total shambles, just as I had left it. I had tossed around my clothes haphazardly. Not that I could have done it anything about it. My company had kept me busy the entire week. All my muscles felt stressed. I was in dire need of some relaxation, and I knew the right fix. I walked up to the liquor cabinet and removed my favorite bottle of rum – Amber Jewel. I poured myself a glass, and dropped in a treble of ice cubes into it. I took a long sip of the drink, savoring the sweet yet spicy taste of it. I turned down the brightness of the lights and settled back on the chair. I periodically took sips from the glass, letting the warmth of the rum find its way inside me, relaxing my muscles.

Just as I was making my second drink, my phone beeped. I dared not ignore my boss, even though he was a complete marplot. I read the text message:

Asteroid Plaza. Billy Bazz..

The Black Assassin, had a new target…

Word Count: 200


Wordle Back to Wordle

Sunday Photo Fiction – Nov 18, 2018

Word of the Day Challenge “Shambles”

RDP Monday: Jewel

FOWC with Fandango – Haphazard

Flash Fiction: Cpt. Pike

While watching his grand daughter throwing a tantrum, grandpa Pike realised that the little girl needed some roving.

All dressed up in her winter clothes, which still hung loose from her tiny body, Pike took her on a walk, accompanied by a story.

“No grandpa, tell me a story I have not heard, something new.”

“Well little one, this very street we are walking on, has a special story, a war time story – the story of Captain Pike…”

Right now, at this moment and in this place, Pike and the girl were invisible, lost in the tales of the past…


50 Word Thursday #25

FOWC with Fandango — Tantrum

RDP Thursday – LOOSE

Patricia’s Place – In Other Words, dress up

Word of the Day Challenge – Roving