
Microfiction: Disturbed Zone

These are lonely roads that I ride on.

No vexing women and no malevolent men.

This is my zone, my place of tranquility.

A chance to get away from death.

But sometimes, it follows me, in the form of bandits.

At these times, I let my pistols do the talking…


50 Word Thursday #36

Six Sentence Story – Zone

Microfiction: 50th Time Lucky?

The sirens howled.

By now, everyone in the room was used to the noise.

Everyone looked at the giant screen in front.

The air was thick with tension and excitement.

This was their 50th attempt, and they had to make good on it this time.

“Right boys, countdown to ten…”

Word Count: 50


50 Word Thursday #35

Six Sentence Story – Howl

Microfiction: Cave Men?

Today marks the one month anniversary of our arrival.

This cave has sheltered us and our guns allowed us to hunt.

However, our ammunition won’t last long.

Will we end up becoming Paleolithic food?

Maybe the time machine wasn’t the greatest idea.

Will we ever escape back to our time?

Word Count: 50


50 Word Thursday Challenge #29

Six Sentence Story ‘Escape’

Microfiction: Modern Art

My son beamed proudly as he presented his latest acquisition to me.

“Look here pops, this is 2000 dollars well spent.”

I was dumbfounded.

“Son, what exactly is this?”

“This is true modern art.”

I shook my head and remembered times past, when art was simply pretty landscapes and portraits…

Word Count: 50


Six Sentence Story “Simple”

50 Word Thursday #26

Flash Fiction: Studying Fishes

All I wanted to do was to get closer to the school of undiscovered fish I saw before me.

I was already at maximum safe distance from the vessel.

I had swum out quite far away from the other divers, who were trying to hail me on my communicator.

Ignoring the garbled message I was receiving, I held my arms out in full extension hoping the fishes would come towards me.

My idea worked and all the fishes started swimming towards me, just as I received the message clearly.

“Red alert. Red alert. Return to vessel. Fishes confirmed as man-eaters…”

Word Count: 100


Six Sentence Story ‘Extension’

50 Word Thursday #24

Flash Fiction: Pvt. Investigator

“What do you call yourself?” the Fawn said at last.

Such a soft sweet voice it had! From its looks I had expected it to sound gruffier. I responded confidently.

“A private investigator. The world’s best actually.”

“We don’t have any of those where I come from.”

“Pray tell me. What do you need my help with?”

The fawn looked to his hooves and shifted nervously in his seat.
“I’ve heard you are good at finding lost things.”

“That I am. Now, what have you lost?”

“Four children.”

“Very well. And you said you were from this place called ..Narnia..yes?”

Word Count: 100


50 Word Thursday #19